Molecular Hydrogen

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Molecular Hydrogen

#Molecular Hydrogen | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Cells usually tolerate a little bit of oxidative stress and it can be beneficial in triggering cellular repair processes. The overuse of some antioxidant supplements may lead to “antioxidative stress.” When too many antioxidants are available in the cells, it can eliminate cell signaling free radicals and break the delicate balance of your antioxidant defense system. 

Your antioxidant defense system is designed to keep free radicals in balance. Just enough free radicals for useful purposes such as cell signaling and the immune response, but not enough to cause irreversible damage.

Research has shown that H2 is unique because it only neutralizes only the harmful free radicals such as hydroxyl radicals. There is no concern of overdosing with H2 because it doesn't disturb the redox balance inside the cells. 

4. H2 boosts your body’s antioxidant defense system- Molecular Hydrogen (H2) not only eliminates harmful free radicals directly, but also stimulates the production of antioxidant enzymes responsible for keeping the free radical and antioxidant balance. H2 does this by activating the Nrf2 pathway that’s responsible for signalling your cells to produce more of these antioxidant enzymes. In addition to these advantages as an antioxidant, H2 also has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and anti-apoptotic benefits as a cell signaling molecule. 





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